Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Goat Farm

This afternoon was perticularly enteresting, because, not only did i get to go to a GOAT farm....but i got to MILK a goat!!!!  Next to my sisters house there is this goat farm, and they raise them and use there milk to make cheese and to drink.  They wake up every day at 6:00 a.m and 6:00p.m to milk these things....everyday! I dont think i could do that. But i dont mind helping in the afternoon. I got to taste some of the many different cheese's they make with it. There was a cream cheese, a chive cheese (i liked that one the best), and a tomato cheese. ( i was'nt to keen to that one) But it was relly cool. And afterwards, when we were putting the goats back into the pens, i went in to pet some of them, and got to hold a kid. But i think the whole plot of the story is that one of the goats came up from behind me when i was petting another one and bit my sweater and gave a great big tug....THAT was a little more than a bed bug bite. I think he was just jelouse! Maybe she needs a therapist. (that would be you laci!) Anyways. So how many people so you know would free willingly go milk goats? Not too,  i did my good deed for the day. And now my day has been completed. Now its time to go do those dishes!


Valli said...

That goat was just saying, Hi. In it's little kid way of consuming your clothing off your back. You jumped pretty high for a girl holding a goat.

Laci J said...

I believe you're the one that needs the therapy! I'm open on Wednesday... how's 6 AM sound???

lil Rebel Child♥ said...

ch...six a.m my arss!

Laci J said...

Hey, looks like I'll be giving you therapy daily at 6AM all school year long! And who would've guessed I'd be psychic??? HA!!

lil Rebel Child♥ said...

yeah...who woulda thought u would be my seminaary teacher, btw...i did my make up work for the 5 days i missed! Well actually i only did three so far, 4 so far, ut one more to go! And no worries...its chrisrmas break so i have lots a time.